

Aug 23, 2022
Case: Right hand fingers pain for Two weeks

Patient H, male, 49 years old. He visits our clinic on July 4, 2022 and he complains that his right hand pain and swellness about 2 weeks, especially in the morning. The pain level is around 7-8/10. He cannot bend his fingers.

Based on Chinese medical theroy, Dr. Lu diagnosed that he has damp painful Obstruction syndrome. On the first session, Dr. Lu gave him acupuncture and moxibustion treatments, and the pain reduced after the treatment. The patient can bend his fingers. After the first week, Dr Lu started give him Chinese medicine to resolve dampness, expel wind, warm channels, scatter cold and invigorate blood. After 5 days medicine and acupuncture treatments, the pain totally gone. 

Dr. Lu agrees that all three factors( Wind, Cold  and Dampness) are present in every case of painful Obstruction syndrome, and each case can only be differented according to the predominance of one factor over the others. This means that in treatment, one needs to expel all three pathogenic factors, albeit one is ususlly predominant.