
Neck pain and shoulders pain

Sep 09, 2022
shoulder pain
Case: Neck pain and shoulders pain after a car accident 4 months

A 56 years old woman visits our clinic on Aug 2022, and she complains about her neck pain and stiffness, shoulders, upper back, knees and left lower back pain because of her experiencing a car accident on April, 2022.  The stiffness is on both side of her neck and stiffness level is 6 out of 10.  She also has upper back pain mainly around both of her shoulder and left lower back pain with pain level of 6 out of 10, and her both arms cannot lift up, painful restriction of motion in the shoulder joints with pain level of 6 out of 10.  The patient also complains she has knees pain after the accident, especially her left knee is worse and swelling. The pain and stiffness make everyday activities more difficult including night’s sleep. The patient looks worried and stressed.  The patient's energy level appears to be low, 6 out of 10. 

Dr. Lu dignosises her that she had stagnation of Qi, and it affects her lungs, liver and spleen. After the accident, the patien worried many things. Based on the traditional theory, worry knots Qi, and it may affect liver, heart, lungs and spleen. Dr. Lu gave her acupuncture treatments, after the first session, the patien feels better when she lifts her arm. The pain reduced. Five sessions later, the patien can move her arm freely. At the same time, her neck pain was gone.