
Plantar Fasciitis

Aug 21, 2022
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Case: Plantar Fasciitis for 10 months

Patient B, male, 42 years old. He visits our clinic on August 20,2022 and he complains that he has Plantar Fasciitis for 10 months. Recently he cannot running and hiking with pain since his plantar fasciitis. The stiffness is on his left foot and pain on his right foot with pain level is 3-4 out of 10. 

Dr. Lu diagnosed that he has Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency causing qi and blood stagnation, and then Dr. Lu advised him to get acupuncture treatments 2 times per week for the first 2 week and return for the re-evaluation. After the first session, the patien reported that the pain was gone when he walked. 



Plantar Fasciitis is a painful inflammatory heel condition affecting the large ligament-type structure in the base of the foot that can cause arch pain and heel pain. The Plantar fascia can become thick and inflamed due to the irritation at its attachment, at the base of the heel. In some patients, small tears can develop and these people suffer from acute pain that can be excruciating. Sometimes, on x-ray, heel spurs can be seen, but these are not usually the cause of the patient’s heel pain.